2025 Trustees Gala

Date(s) - Saturday, April 26, 2025
7:00 pm

Saturday | April 26, 2025 | 7:00 p.m.
Savannah, Georgia

Join the Georgia Historical Society (GHS), Office of the Governor, and leaders from across our state as we induct the 2025 Georgia Trustees, Walter M. “Sonny” Deriso, Jr., Banker, Attorney, and Civic Leader, and Craig Menear, Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Home Depot.

Please join us for this elegant, much-anticipated evening that will include cocktails, dinner, and an inspiring conversation with Messrs. Deriso and Menear—two exemplary Georgians whose history-making accomplishments and service reflect the original Trustees’ philosophy of Non Sibi, Sed Aliis, “Not for Self, but for Others.”

Sonny Deriso 

2025 Trustees Gala

View the Trustees Gala invitation.
View the Save-the-Date.

Learn more about the Georgia Trustees.

Georgia Trend: 2025 Georgia Trustees

Learn more about the 2025 Georgia Trustees in the February 2025 issue of Georgia Trend magazine.

Thank you to the Georgia History Festival sponsors and Host Committee for supporting the educational mission and year-round programming of the Georgia Historical Society!




 Delta Air Lines Georgia Power


  Camden Real Estate Co.  

  Georgia Chamber    J. L. Williamson Law Group LLC     

Genuine Parts Company           Savannah Distributing Company Truist Waffle House

Foundations and Institutions

The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Georgia

J.C. Lewis Foundation

Williams Family Foundation of Georgia

2024-2025 Georgia History Festival
Host Committee



Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cathy

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Menear

Mr. Sunny K. Park



Mr. and Mrs. Francis S. Blake

Dr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Bolch III

Mr. and Mrs. F. Reed Dulany III

Mr. Bob Faircloth

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Harlander

Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan

Mr. Clyde C. Tuggle and Ms. Mary M. Streett



Mr. and Mrs. F. Duane Ackerman

The Honorable and Mrs. Roy E. Barnes

Ms. Stephanie Blank

Mr. and Mrs. W. Paul Bowers

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Cooper

Mr. and Mrs. Beverly M. DuBose III

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Haynes III

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Irby

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kole

Mrs. Betsy Lancaster

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Levy

Mr. and Mrs. Angus Littlejohn

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Morris, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rabinowitz

Mrs. Rosaleen R. Roxburgh

Mr. and Mrs. Bronnie Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Mark V. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Austin P. Sullivan

 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Waters



Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Baranco

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Blair

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Brown, Jr.

Mr. Mark L. Burns

Mr. and Mrs. Erroll B. Davis, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. H. Clark Deriso

Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. “Sonny” Deriso, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Joel Goodman

Ms. Kimberly Greene

Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hightower

Ms. Julie E. Hunt

Mr. and Mrs. Ted J. Kleisner

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mason

Dr. and Mrs. William T. Moore

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morgan

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. O’Connor

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Price

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Reilly

Mr. and Mrs. H. Jerome Russell, Jr.

Dr. Michael J. Sharkey

Mr. and Mrs. Kessel D. Stelling, Jr.

Mrs. Helen R. Steward

Mr. and Mrs. Neal Sumter

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Tucker

Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Wilheit, Sr.



Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cay

Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cartledge

Mrs. Vincent J. Dooley

Mr. Kyle Dwyer and Ms. Sabrina Nagel

Mr. and Mrs. Brent Harlander

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Iocovozzi

Mr. and Mrs. Phil Jacobs

Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Kronowitz

Mrs. Robert O. Levitt

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marchese

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Meshad

Mr. Frederick L. Muller

Mr. and Mrs. C.V. Nalley

Mr. and Mrs. David Paddison

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Pannell

Mr. and Mrs. Jason Pedigo

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rogers

Ms. Swann Seiler

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Solomons, Jr.

 Ms. Elizabeth Stribling and Mr. Guy Robinson

Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Threlkeld

Mr. and Mrs. R. Bartley Turner


Honorary Host Committee

The Honorable Rick Allen ● The Honorable Jason Anavitarte ● The Honorable James Beverly ● The Honorable Matt Brass ● The Honorable Jon G. Burns ● The Honorable Max Burns ● The Honorable Chris Carr ● The Honorable Buddy Carter ● The Honorable Katie Dempsey ● The Honorable Tim Echols ● The Honorable Chuck Efstration ● The Honorable Frank Ginn ● The Honorable Steve Gooch ● The Honorable Joseph Gullett ● The Honorable Ed Harbison ● The Honorable Matt Hatchett ● The Honorable Penny Houston ● The Honorable Chuck Hufstetler ● The Honorable Edna Jackson ● The Honorable Kim Jackson ● The Honorable Burt Jones ● The Honorable Harold V. Jones II ● The Honorable Jan Jones ● The Honorable John F. Kennedy ● The Honorable Dr. Rich McCormick ● The Honorable Elena Parent ● The Honorable Butch Parrish ● The Honorable Chuck Payne ● The Honorable Jesse Petrea ● The Honorable Calvin Smyre ● The Honorable Ron Stephens ● The Honorable Blake Tillery ● The Honorable Larry Walker III ● The Honorable Raphael Warnock ● The Honorable Ben Watson

Media Sponsors

Savannah Morning News

Georgia Trend

Special Thanks

For information on Georgia History Festival sponsorship and Host Committee opportunities, please contact Ashley Rainge-Shields or 912.651.2125, ext. 116.