The Cumberland Island National Seashore Mainland Museum in St. Marys, will join over one hundred other museums and historical sights within the sate of Georgia in participating in Super Museum Sunday on February 11, 2024, as part of the Georgia Historical Society’s annual Georgia History Festival.
Operated by the national park service, the museum houses artifacts from the nearby Cumberland Island. Their collection educated visitors on the extensive cultural history of the Island, from the Native Americans who first populated the island to the 20th century industrialists who pursued interests in the sea islands. Artifacts displayed in the museum include a Native American Canoe, horse drawn carriages, and an 1815 British warship anchor.
The highlight of the museum is the “Forgotten Invasion” exhibit room detailing the impact that the War of 1812 had on the region. While most of the state was relatively uninvolved in this war, coastal Georgia felt the effects of the conflict in daily life. Cumberland, as well as the other nearby barrier islands, were threatened by privateers aiming to disrupt United States trade.
Visitors to the museum who are interested in learning more about the island can reserve passage to Cumberland island on the ferry, where they can explore an undeveloped section of Georgia’s natural environment and learn about the people who have called the area their home.
The Cumberland Island Museum, Located at 129 Osborne Rd. St. Marys, GA. 31558, will be offering free admission to all visitors from one to four on Sunday, February 11th. Free, on-site parking is available.
For more information about Cumberland Island, visit the Cumberland Island National Seashore (U.S. National Park Service) website. Click here for information on ferry times.
Learn more about the Georgia History Festival‘s Super Museum Sunday.